Since 2nd of this month, mobily offers Wimax in 4 cities in the Kingdom. Wimax has been there in these cities since sometime, offered by
Bayanat . I did subscribe for a 512K connection with Bayanat and was quite satisfied with the ease of setting up (there was nothing to setup!) and the speed. The problem at the time was that it was available only somewhere around 5 or so km within their tower near Kingdom building. I subscribed for 3 months only but was able to use a little more than that. Probably their backend operations were not so efficient at the time. I couldn't figure out their SMTP server and since it was most necessary, I didn't continue.
Update on 24 Dec 2008:
I just figured out the SMTP server. There may be more than one probably but this one is working. It is
Now that mobily took over Bayanat, hope some of you will come forward to tell the experience. Once mobily took over, the number of subscription might have zoomed and does this cause any degradation in speed? Is the SMTP address still unknown?
I have been scrounging mobily site since some days to find out the finer details of their offer and today happened to see the flashing link they provided at the top of the page. Following is what comes when the link is clicked. See that if you have any plans to subscribe, then do it right away to save the price (300/- to 400/- SR) of the CPE (which as per mobily is wireless modem. What I got with the Bayanat subscription wasn't a wireless modem. To connect the laptop, I had to use either a wired LAN connection or a connection from a wireless router in the LAN where the CPE too is connected. The CPE is connected with the LAN using regular LAN (UTP?) cable.)
Broadband @ HomeExperience reliable hi-speed internet service at the convenience of your home |  |  |
| Mobily introduces broadband @ home, a wireless internet services for your home with unmatched reliability, convenience and affordability. Take advantage from a host of unparalleled benefits: - Wireless broadband internet – No landline required.
- The only prepaid broadband service in the kingdom.
- Real broadband speeds up to 2 Mbps.
- Plug & Play installation.
- Hassle-free services relocation – No long term obligation in case of change of address.
Get your broadband @ home this Ramadan and benefit from: - Free wireless modem.
- Zero activation fee.
- Special Ramadan tariffs.
Special Ramadan Offer:  | | 1 Month | 3 Month | 6 Month | 12 Month |  |
| Wireless Modem (one off cost) | 200 SR | 100 SR | Free | Free | | | One Time Activation Fee | Free | Free | Free | Free | | | Tariff Price | 250 SR | 800 SR | 1500 SR | 3000 SR | | | Total Initial Payment | 450 SR | 900 SR | 1500 SR | 3000 SR | |  | | | | | |  |
broadband @ home pricing after Ramadan:  | | 1 Month | 3 Month | 6 Month | 12 Month |  |
| Wireless Modem (one off cost) | 200 SR | 100 SR | Free | Free | | | One Time Activation Fee | 300 SR | 300 SR | 300 SR | 300 SR | | | Tariff Price | 299 SR | 850 SR | 1600 SR | 3000 SR | | | Total Initial Payment | 799 SR | 1250 SR | 1900 SR | 3300 SR | |  | | | | | |  |
| |
what's ur chat ID?
Dear Rafeek,
You may note that The post-ramadan rates shown in the above post are reduced and brought down to almost ramadan offer.
By the way, which is better?
WiMAX or Connect?
WiMAX: 2 Mbps, Unlimited, SR 250 per month, No signal problems, No installation problems, No operational problems.
Connect: 7.2 Mbps, limited or SR 350 per month, Signal Problems (Most of the time), Installation Problems (All the time), Operational Problems (Some of the times)
Please compare and give your opinion.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Dear Ali,
I was not aware until you said about the reduction! Checked their site today and found the tariff as under (not formatted properly:) )
1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 12 Month
Wireless Modem 200 SR 100 SR Free Free
One Time Activation Fee Free Free Free Free
Tariff Price 299 SR 850 SR 1600 SR 3000 SR
Initial Payment 499 SR 950 SR 1600 SR 3000 SR
And your question looks more like an answer. Given the description for both services, and if accurate, who will go for Connect? Wimax is the winner provided those specs you attach with it are for real. Who is going to tell us?
I wanted to try myself but am already over my budget for connectivity and also am tied with Zajoul!
Wish someone come forward with firsthand data.
Thx & rgds
Mobily has killed the Wimax service. I signed up with Bayanat, 1Mb connection and I never had any down time until MObily took over. NOw I have an issue every day. The service is usually down for a few minutes every night and this goes on for hours sometimes. As I wrtie this post my Wimax is down, it has been since yesterday so that tells you how bad the service has become. In addition to this, you should try calling their service desk and then you'll see just how bad their service is. If you try to get any help on the service, they just cancel the call and if you dial the number they have for the WImax service, once you try to go to the technical service option , the call terminates. SO now the service is down, until someone decides to put it up again, and there's no support to help you out with an answer.
In my opinion, stay away from Mobily and stay away from their Wimax because it's just pathetic.
It is just shocking and horrifying that Mobily do this! Takeover a business from a competitor and ruin it? Are there no consumer grievance bodies locally? When companies of such repute treats their customers thus, I believe they should be taken to task.
In fairness with Mobily, my WiMax subscription works perfectly "Broadband@home". I have been using it for 1 week and here are my experiences:
Area Location: Al Khobar
Signal Strength: 2-3 Bars (You need atleast 2 bars)
Signal Interuption: None
Average Download Speed: 1.1 Mbps
No Installation Problem
Same day activation
Innitial user capacity : 2 PC
Way much better with my previous STC 512Kbps DSL and at almost the same monthly subscription cost.
howz it with torrents connectable ?
whts full signal strength (how mny bars ) ?
khobar where ?
What is the WIMAX modem used by Mobily? Is it a USB model or ethernet? Which Brand?
I’m not into torrent download but I guess there would be no problem not unless you're sharing your subscription with other users.
Signal strength at my area like I have mentioned is 2-3 bars (Full signal strength is 5 bars). 2 are more than enough to get a 1.5 Mbps average down link.
My location in Khobar is at the back of Jareer Bookstore Cornice. Upon subscription to Mobiliy, they will ask your location for them to check with their WiMax coverage map. You are entitled to 3 days trial period were you can test and even returned back your subscription if not satisfied. Guaranteed, with your money back.
WiMax modem used is a Samsung CPE SMT-3500. It has 2 outputs. One USB port and the other is an ethernet port. You can connect a PC in any of those two ports or even connect two PC, one at each modem ports.
The provided WiMax modem is a gateway router acting as a DHCP server. My current setup is for multi user. I have connected an 8 ports ethernet switch at the ethernet port of the modem and share internet connections with 5 of my friends on the same building.
Thank you Mobily, now I have to pay only 50.00 Riyals per month for a fast internet connection.
I hope this info would be of help.
I'm in Riyadh. Do they really give a 3-day money back guarantee? That is a really good assurance.
hey does the device hang's or anythin lik tht ? connection gettin interupted this same mobily tower or do they hav a differnt one ?
hey any1 using the new mobily connect USB modem ...of 1.8 mbps upload & 7.2 download ..?
does that hav any problem ? getting disconnected or hangs ?
This is not a Mobily's help desk, go out and try this WiMax, you've got 3 days to have a first hand info to all of your questions.
"Yes we can" -_-
hey i jst wanted to know is zajoul back ...i heard it is how is nowdays
I'm another bayanat subscriber.. and really angry at Mobily!.. yes the services before Mobily takesover was really great.
The service I subscribed for was 2MB and located in the center of their original coverage area in Jeddah. But the service has been corrupted when bayanat became a Mobily subsidiary! The signal now is too weak and the speed is not stable.
The technical support is ugly, the helpdesk don't understand no thing! They have answers like:
- "Turn off the modem and wait for 15 mins."
- "Replace the antennas"
- "Change your location!" (ok I should change my office location huh?)
I've even got an answer from one of them saying "Give me your citizenship ID number and I will refresh you to get faster speed!"!!! honestly.. what the heck?
i jst recently took this WiMAX ...and it is much bttr than i expected ...
best part no signal interuption ..
if it does gets interupted it reconnects on it own !!
Location :Makkah street
& thr is no tower here yet
since i am stayin near by the high wa i get 2 sticks @ my home whr ever i keep mostly
& gettin a decent speed !!
speed around 1 mbps+ u get
but upload is low always less than 100 kbps avg of 75 thts it ..
device :samsung
ports :1 LAN
installation is very easy !!
i got this broadband @ home just yesterday. surprising because only the WAN led on the device is lit & non on the signal strength but i am able to chat, surf & download. does anybody here know hot to boost the signal strength thru homemade antennas, etc. thanks!
I had WiMax for six month now and I'm very frustruted. In addition to the high downtime frequency (may be disconnected every 2 min in some cases), the upload rate is awful, when you try to have a voice chat with friend he doens't hear anything from you. when you use to test upload and download, upload is 1M and download doens't exceeed 80 KB.
Today, I got mobile connect from a friend to try at home, it is working very well. upload rate his hi nearly 400 KB.
I'm going to buy Mobile connect this week. I wish I could get ADSL SHAMEL from STC, but they are awful too, I was waiting for the week to install the phone and dsl and the technication said, there is no empty slot in the my house box.
It seems for a good connectivity experience, the following parameters got to be right.
1. Get DSL from STC
2. If that isn't possible, get either Wimax or Connect from mobily. If you are lucky, end of story - another happy mobily customer. Else, pray, change your location, pray, if luck was gracious with you, relax.
From the many comments seen so far, seems this is the situation.
3. A 3rd option is to try Orbit satellite connection. See the price list I received last month with contact details in my latest post.
Have you checked out the Mobily FAQ on their website? really funny:
Is it possible to face instability or slowness in service? Is the speed constant?
The download speed is up to 2Mb, the Upload speed is up to 1Mb. Mobily does not intended to offer service where instability or slowness are features.
Comment: LIARS!
Is the speed symmetric( 2Mb up/2Mb down)?
No, it is up to 2Mb down and you may see up to 2Mb up. The speeds are not guaranteed
Is there any compensation for degradation/outage in service, like having free time credited?
There is no compensation or for any unlikely service outages on Broadband @ Home.
Will an email/SMS to be sent to customers in case of planned maintenance windows?
We do not send out information regarding planned maintenance window with Broadband @ Home
Mobily really cares about their customers!!
I subscribed to this service before the Eid Al-Adha Holidays. The signal strength is zero but the WAN is lit so I am able to surf, chat & download with occasional disconnection. Since yesterday afternoon (28/12), I cannot connect anymore. I tried moving the CPE around the house to get a signal but in vain. Some people said that there is base station near the Riyadh Military Hospital & I only live in Al-Wazarat. I tried calling Mobily but I cannot get thru any English-speaking support agent. If the problem persists, I will definitely discontinue my subscription.
Thank you very much for the SMTP it was usefull to me.
Best Regards,
I'm in Khobar and took a Mobily Broadband supscription last November. For the first month or so, speeds were great, in fact much faster than 2mb per second most of the time:
The connection was very reliable initially. But lately, esp over the last couple of weeks, I've experienced bad connection problems. These were very frequent and usually started from 5pm and would last till about 5am. Then service would go back to normal in the daytime.
Anyone experience something like this? The WAN light on the modem would be blinking on and off during the problem hours. Nothing has changed in my house (ie, no new wireless devices that may interfere with the signal, etc).
Since this problem is consistent between 5pm and 5am, I'm beginning to wonder if Mobily is purposely reducing the Wimax's Microwave amplification in the area to save costs at certain hours. Not really sure about the technical aspects of something like this, but would be interested to know if anyone else has experienced reduced connection quality at certain times of day or night.
I had no access to the internet for the last 5 days. There is 0 tower signal level but the wan light is on and i am getting only 400kbps. And sometimes I don't get the connection to work at all. is anyone else having the same problem. If solved, please help???
I have tried to connected Mobily Wimax modem with linksys router with no success, router wont connect to internet. Has somebody tried it and can give me the settings for Linksys router to work with Mobily WiMax Modem ?
Hello, I have a Mobily Broadband @ Home for almost a month now and I am quite happy with it, but I hope I get a faster download time. I am based in Riyadh, near the Suleimaniah/Military Hospital area. I connect my laptop using a cable but this limits me from using my laptop away from the wimax modem. I am a newbie and i was told that I need a router in order to connect wirelessly. What router brand do you suggest that will work best with the wimax modem? Also, I usually get 1 to 2 bars signal, I already checked within my flat, and the best signal I could get is only two bars. Is there a way to boost the signal by attaching a better antenna perhaps, if so, where cdan I get such antenna? Appreciate your feedback! Thanks!
i was using mobily connect before 2 months that shit pissed me off and speed sucks it was working good for 1 week only and downloading rate was 100 kbps to 200 kbps but not stable always get up and down.. after a week my speed decreased more its about downloading on 50 kpbs (wtf em using 512 dsl) but now em using STC DSL 4 Mbps and speed is unbelievable and i love it downloading rate is 480 to 500 kbps and stable .. always Download on same speed.and 244 riyals per month Package Fee !! so i suggest its Better to use STC DSL 1000 times better then Mobily connect :/
Hi guys,
From your comments I understand the best connections are STC DSL and Mobily WIMAX.
Thing is, I'm a gamer, which one gives the best ping times?
STC whn i hav used u can get 50 ms ...
mobily WiMaX .. i think it is 150 ms ..
Raphi, those ping times are on which servers?
So I guess that sort of rules out WIMAX for games..
actually i was usin sahara isp ... and server was sahara , i was stayin in khobar ... so the server was near by i guess ...
i got the mobily broadband @ home thingy too just a few months ago. i only get 2 bars signal in rawdah (jeddah). is this a problem with my cpe or is there no signal in rawdah??
also how do i connect the cpe to a linksys wireless modem so that i can share the mobily connection ???
Hi All,
Does anyone know where in Riyadh it is possible to get higher gain antennas for the Mobily Broadband@home Wimax router?
I get only a single bar of service at the moment but with a directional antenna I bet I could do much better.
Any ideas anyone?
john try keepin near the window side .. my frnd say's he he gets all 4 sticks thr in riyadh ..
"how do i connect the cpe to a linksys wireless modem so that i can share the mobily connection "
and for this i guess u need put u r gateway address of u r router as wimax router address ..
somthin lik tht ...
but it is surely possible ..
sherb him yaar ..
you can get external antennas anywhere. it uses the same antennas that of the ADSL routers wifi antenna. And regarding the wimax internet sharing via router. change the router ip address 1st to then start in the WAN settings make the Gateway IP address manual and enter and go to DHCP settings and instead od - ........... change it to to
Its a bit complicated. I hope you know how to access the router.
what if i leave it in the automatic setting?
would it work.
thanks RapHi and Sherb
dont kno .. sorry ..
thn any1 usin .. 20mbps net of STC shamil ,if so how much r u gettin
coz they said its up to ...........
I just got my Mobily Broadbant yesterday.
Has the bar (signal strenght) has something to do with downloading/uploading speed. I only got one bar, on the day I am only getting around 250kbps and I got better around 1MB with same one bar. If I am getting let say 4bars will improved my speed or it will be the same?
I think Mobily's Broadband is not that broad. In the morning I got only around 250kbps and at night only I can get around 1Mbps (as advertised).
sorry Dan Bald 1 stick is too less try shiftin it to window , or u can return it within 3 days if u r not satisfied :)
actully it is very good .. u need at lest 2 sticks for it to work properly .. and there are mny places whih u actylly get 3 and 4 sticks .. and u dont get 1 mbps .. u get at lest 2 all tim .. mostly 2.5mbps .. even it goes somtimes up to 3 rarely .
but upload is not tht good as they said .. they said it wod go to 1 mbps but even with 4 sticks .. it jst goes to 512kbps .. may b jst once it went ... but not usally ..
hopin this info is helpful :)
Hi RapHi,
Your suggestion really help. I scan every inch of the area where I got the one bar. I managed to get 2 bars, when I tried the speedtest, wow first time I got 2.83Mbps. Without your reply without your help I cannot reach.
I really thank you personally. I am happy that there's still person like you. I appreciate it.
welcom :) helpin has a satisfaction
I made the jump in to mobily's Wimax ditch 4 days ago. First 3 days the service was great. now it has started playing tricks. the connection speed is really sluggish. Are they limiting the bandwidth once the "Return within 3 Days" timeframe is over ?
I have 4 signal led lighten up on the new "Spacecraft"( Whatever that means )CPE. still the browsing and download is not that good as it was a couple of days ago..
I got almost 3Mbps last Friday morning, but yesterday and today I only got less that 500K. Is that normal? Maybe during Friday morning
is not a peak time and Saturday and Sunday between 9am to 6pm I got only less than 500K.
nop they dont play trick ..after 3 days or somthin
but the there can b somthin lik problem in the tower ..
or maintenance goin on ..
where is u r location both of u ?
Hi RapHi,
I am in Riyadh near RKH (Military Hospital) around 500 mtrs.
i hav frnd there in riyadh ho is usin , and he is in olya i guess ..
mostly its fine ..
but it went down last week ..
but tht depends accoedin to the tower ..
I am in Khobar, Cornich Road Behind Jarir.
Have 4 sticks stable, but download speed never go beyond 260kbps
#***##&&%% Grrrrrrrrr
Yesterday I am surprised I reached 1.5 M at around 6:30pm, this morning around 1M.
I got unstable 2 bar/stick.
By the way I got CPE Myungmin MWC-2500 two ethernet utp and wifi.
hm Shutterbug .. anywa i m also near by tht area .. and i usally com to jarir .. and tht area ...
wht ru meanin 260 KBps (is it the download speed wht u get ) or speedtest u r gettin 260 Kbps ... ........
It is download speed.
Shutterbug 260 download speed means
it is 260 KB/s whih = (260 * 8)=2080 kb/s = 2.03 mbps ..whih is more than wht mobily hav said ...
actly tht is good speed :)
That's perfect. I only got half of that speed around 130 kbps.
Dan .. he has 4 sticks .. if u also can get 4 sticks som how thn tht is possible ..
there also extender som kinda of antenna ..
u will also get hehee :)
Hi RapHi,
Have any idea where I can buy this extender. I am desperately looking for it if it is available.
Sherb mentioned "you can get external antennas anywhere" dated May 11, 2009. Can you give me an idea what kind of antenna it is, and how can I connect it with my existing CPE.
wifi antenna ..also its the sam .. but i dont kno how effectiv it is ...
u can get in mny places ..
I have my old linksys wag54gs adsl gateway with 4 ethernet utp and wifi, can I use that?
The CPE that I have now has two
detachable antennas. Is there a way that these two antennas can be extended maybe outside my house (indoor or outdoor).
if u can remvoe tht antenna ..and try fixin it to ur wimax ..
bought from computer souk some 9 db gain antenna manage to gain around 4db now my 2 bar is steady.
so there was improvement , thts nice :)
how much was it ?
SR 45 each I bought it inside the STC Mursalat cellphone mall (computer souk),SSE the name store.
Thats great news, Since I am moving to Dammam and the Flat I rented ( Besides The Stadium) has only two sticks and I would like to see a bit improvment... So I may buy the High Gain antennas.
On another note: Today I am in Riyadh in Naseem Area (Behind the New Car Haraj) Here I have no sticks and still managed to get 1 MBps on Speedtest.
Check this out. Its funny but I gain few db now my three bars/stick is steady.
good 4 u .. and wht is u r current speed with 3 bars ?
Ave of 1.5 to 2 Mbps. There's an instance that I almost hit 3 Mbps.
I got an automatic firmware download on my myungmin/mobily cpe this morning tsk tsk tsk?
hm kool dont know abt it tho ..
I got an auto-firmware update too. Now the CPE setup page gives you a language option and most importantly, now the Wifi LED blinks showing activity which was not happening before...
The rest is pretty much the same.
On another note.. anyone got the new 512 kbps offering from mobily for 85 SR ???
Since the auto firmware update seems my signal also got some boost. Now it has four bars/stick and sometimes goes back to 3. I mean thre bars now is steady.
btw guys since first of july my myungmin wimax mwc-2500 stoped working at all.
i think it have to do with autoupdating the firmware.
though when it try it says download failed....
any chance of manually downloading it? i tried from the website but cant find anything
Hi Sakhr,
The firmware is not available on Myungmin site. Corrupted image can make your cpe not working. This happens when the firmware update is interrupted. I think only Mobily can help you. Try to press and hold the reset button for more than five seconds (factory setting) maybe this could help solve the problem. If not just give them a visit.
Hi anyone can enlighten me on wifi security settings on Mobily wimax CPE please.
If anyone is interested, I have 2 15dBi panel antennas that I used with the Mobily WiMAX router to boost the signal. I get about 10dB gain and it makes the service just about usable here but I think I'm just too far away so will go with STC DSL instead. Just reply here if you're interested and we can arrange something. I paid about 200 Riyals each for them but obviously they are not much use to me now so make an offer.
I recently took wimax connection 4m mobily . I am extensive torrent user .I am having problems with incomming connections on u torrent,showing red saying firewall/router comming in the way 4 incomming connections.If anybody can help me on this I would be greatful
To the best of my knowledge, torrents don't really work with WiMax. I don't think they can spare the bandwidth, so they probably try to stop you downloading excessively.
If you can get DSL, do so, if not, 3G is probably better for torrents.
I am using BitTorrent, it is working fine.
hello i i am using mobily broadband and its good but there is proplem i cant open wimax cpe getway buy the urall given 191.100.1 just i ujaly went to www.ip-adress and chek my ip then type it in urall any help
connect to CPE using LAN cable or Wi-Fi, open your browser(internet explorer) --->>type CPE access address ( usually)--->>login window appears type in the username and pass (both are " admin " by default) and click on login you will see the Router Management window..
gud luck..
hello i want to ask is lan better from wlan i like to use my labtop with out caible 2 is skype working with wimax (mobily broadband) 3 what is better sitting for modem 4 can you brovide me with link to user guide
if u can chat in eng , it will b nice . i also might b able to join
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新しくなったスタービーチは新しいであいのカタチを提案します★ あなたに出逢いたい人がここにいます。
神待ちサイト ガールズBBSは家出少女を救う神待ち専用の掲示板です!登録無料で家出少女と出会えるチャンス
変な性癖があるのはどう思いますか?私、獣姦とか好きなんです…いきなりこんな話驚きますよね…引きましたか?Σ(゜□゜(゜□゜*)野外とかにも興味があります!変態チックなのもたまにはいいですよ\(^-^ )こんな私にメールしてくれるとうれしいです。メールから色んな話しましょ(^_^)年上の人がいいです、私は27歳ですよ!それでは、メール待ってますね
hello friends iwant to ask were to find connecter for external antenna i found external antenna in pc soaq in morsalat mall but i cant found connecter
@Dr. Abdullah,
Since the antenna and cpe are both female (tried to look for connector even in mejdaf but not available), work-around is cut a paper clip (approx 6-7 mm)that is match to the hole of the antenna and cpe. Insert the 3mm to the antenna and the extended 3mm to the cpe. The purpose of the clip is to connect both female.
i am staying in Jubail main market (Location: 27.013418,49.657468) my subscription is 2MBPS but actual speed i am getting only at 06:00am after that speed start to decreasing 1MBPS at 12:00, 0.50MBPS at 4:00pm, 0.15MBPS from 5:00pm till night (maybe whole night i checked up to 23:30) so my advice to all of you "DO NOT GO TO MOBILY" i used STC for long time and i feel STC is far better than MOBILY there is no comparison,
MOBILY doesn’t have that much capacity to serve better, and unfortunately he started WMAX which I believe that their stamina is not that much.
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