I had problem finding this information. It is not kind of a special knowledge for a google search may bring it, but it takes time.
To avoid sifting through tons of result pages, thought it would be helpful if I do a post just for the purpose. Please do take some time to write a comment if it was of help to any of you.
So the SMTP for AFAQ DSL connection is: mail1.saudi.net.sa and the port is 25 as it is generally. mx1.saudi.net.sa equally works.
Note:Weird it seems, but it doesn't function in Jeddah while in Riyadh its ok! Any idea?
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- Rafeek
- Surviving in Riyadh since 1993! Love to see smiling faces around and beyond! Contributing my tiny share around!
thanks rafeeq, however since i wasnt sure about the port nos, i used the IMAP settings. hope the others find this web page useful.
2Jasir: Thanks for the excellent link. The port is 25 as is usually the case.
hello rafeeq. can u plz tell me whther the bill i will get for internet will exceed 109 riyals???i am using afaq dsl shamil 128kbps..is der any download limit???
Do you know what is the default password set on a AFAQ DSL Shamil Modem? model is 011. I want to enable port forwarding and I just can't do it without logging into the modem, I have tried many times calling STC, they just doesn't seem to be helpful.
Strange thing, I have tried resetting the modem, Normally almost modems I have seen will default to username/pwd admin/admin
or admin/password after the reset but doesn't work in this model..Any Ideas?
Hi Rafeeq, I am looking for the SMTP for AFAQ Shamil. As you already said, mail1.saudi.net.sa is not functioning with me too in Jeddah.... Help please
It does work in Jeddah. Yes, at times it gives trouble not only in Jeddah but in Riyadh too. Last week for 2 days it was rejecting all the mails in Riyadh. Now it does work ok both in Riyadh and Jeddah. If you have problem, try using the IP for mail1.saudi.net.sa which is (you can find it by issuing ping mail1.saudi.net.sa while in DOS prompt)
you may also try mx1.saudi.net.sa
If everything fails, try google mails smtp.
@ Packet: I wish I know but guess that if an STC technician came to you, he might have told you. Otherwise, if it was a CD, hope the program in the CD help you set the password.
@Amrit: Come on, on billing STC is not transparent enough, but for DSL, their billing software seems to be smart. If we change the speed during a billing cycle, there will be 2 entries in the bill, 1 to reverse the rest of period since the speed was changed, and the other the 2 months advance for the billing period ahead.
Hi people. I posted this info somewhere else but I guess it is needed here too. So here it goes:
Shamil modem username and password:
Default IP:
Username: Afaq_shamel
Password: stccpe_2007
I found this in a javascript file on the cd provided with the modem. It’s in \Vista\Flow\scripts\router\rCPEs.js
You can look for the username and password in that file if the one I mentioned doesn’t work. I don’t know why STC doesn’t want to tell this info to their users. They should provide the modem with default username and password. Anyway, hope the info I provided works for you.
Faisal ! Thanks for the user name and password. Its working well but the problem is .. when we change configration it asks for admin username and password.
What will we apply?
thank you
I need assistance for configuring AFAQ DSL SHAMEL MODEM #011 for different ISP e.g. Sahara or awalnet. Please provide step by step procedure.
I was using LinkSys WAG200G modem and I was on 1MB. I applied for 4MB after the price reduction, then after 1 week I found that the Downstream and Upstream havent changed and still im on 1MB, I checked my Bill and they had already charged me SAR 40.
I emailed on ecare@stc.com.sa but they replied that I can check my Online bill from STC Online... LOLZ... how stupid!
Then I reduced my speed to 2MB but I found that its not getting upgraded and im getting the same speed. I called them a gazillion times and then they admitted that
"STC is facing problem on LINKSYS modems and they cannot connect to it to change settings but could have resetted the port several times. Please change your modem and use STC modem, we will send you at home"I said OK, Then, they installed STC Modem #014 (Picture Frame model) at my home which is originally Huawei H520 (Pathetic network devices at current times).
Now Im using 2MB User ID and speed is still the same, I cannot get a download more than 128 kbps :'(.
I will see more this week than I will come back on LinkSYS modem, which is the best. and I will return their stpupid device.
I dont know what STC is upto. If they dont have support or network, why they had started this campaign.
May Allah help them.
Munim Siddiqui
Dear Mr. Sidiq, could you please tell how can I access the modem setup for model 014, I try the user name and password which they provide it not accepting
Thanks for the Default IP/User/Pass for the Shamel modem, works like a charm on my model 014
Dear, can someone please provide Default IP/User/Pass for the Shamel modem 014.
Thanx in advance
the username and password provided by faisal is not working for modem 014. Can anyone please help?
does any1 kno de dns server and alternate dns server no of model 011
in jeddah ........ i need 2 setup static ip
User name and password by faisal worked for as a charm. Model 014
I need to send an urgetn mail using OE. I have tried putting in both the smtp server names for AFAQ DSL but the mails just dont get sent. Strangely one or twice it has worked before. Ther error is a server error:554, error no. 0x800ccc79
I have chked and rechked the settings, the authentication etc many times!
Is there any other smtp server name tht I can use. (i am working from khobar)
Also, arent there global/universal smtp servers tht wld eliminate this problem of sending mail. whever I need to send mail, I cannot do so without a problem and getting delayed.
Please help.
As far as I know, there are no free smtp servers available except from your currently connected ISP and also gmail. For setting gmail smtp, signup for gmail, enable pop3 and see the help on setting it up on OE.
For AFAQ Shamil, did you try putting the IP( instead of mail1.saudi.net.sa?
Thank you for your prompt response. I have tried ur suggestion, but same error mssg keeps coming up.
I do feel tht there are some technical difficulties at the ISP only, as this has happened before but resolved on it own also.
Actually it has become routine, every 3-4 days there is this problem. However, I have to send the mail today (its very urgent)
As for gmail, as far I know u can use there server if u have there domain name. I however have to send from an email address of another domain name and not a gmail address(I hope I have not missed anything and explained myself properly).
Is it working for you? Please suggest something, some solution.
The kind of error message you mentioned also come if there are illegal characters (eg: space) in the email address you try sending the mail to.
Regarding gmail, yes gmail lets you use a different id other than the gmail address as your from address provided you add that under settings/accounts/send mail as . Once you verify the new id, you shall be allowed to send from that id as well from both the web interface and through OE (in OE, change the reply to address.)
Still having trouble with OE,but thanks a lot for tht gmail info.
User ID and password provided by Faisal works for stc modem 014. Got to be careful with capital and small letters, underscores and hyphens.
can anyone please provide me detailed settings for stc modem model 014.
i called 907, but no use, i receaved some modem settings for model 013 by SMS but its still not working.
thanks in advance
has anyone encountered and removed this "Cannot Access Web Address" filter .......... this web gateway security is blocking most the torrent sites.Would appreciate the help..........
I think for model 014 .... u should go to and then enter the username=Afaq_shamel and password=stccpe_2007.After the web-based configurator opens up go to basic and then WAN.In WAN settings go to Login Information and put the username and passwrod u received through sms and once u press the submit button u should be able to browse internet.
hey guys,
i have a new info for stc modem model 014 users. This is actually "echolife HG520s" model. just enter in google and u can download the user guide.
Thanxxxxxx Alot FAISAL
for the Username & Password
i ws calling the customer service for lyk many dozen hours-
tehy really weren't responding
and i ws in damn need until i googled and found this
and ur post here-
Thanks alot for helping out that giving away this useful information
May Allah Bless You
Thanxxxxxx Alot FAISAL
for the Username & Password
i ws calling the customer service for lyk many dozen hours-
thy really weren't responding
and i ws in damn need until i googled and found this
and ur post here-
Thanks alot for helping out that giving away this useful information
May Allah Bless You
hello friends,i am using afaq shamel model 011, it was running well ,but since 1week the internet is not opening.I tried to configure from the CD technitian has provided with the pack.I put the username & passward as i got it by sms,from 907.
Thanks in Advance
Hello all,
It seems that a lot of problems are delivered out of the stupid DSL services of STC.
My problem is the linksys modem, the internet browsing is going down every week, and I have to wait couple of days to have it back, for sure I should make many calls to 907.
The last problem which I still live with is that the browsing is down again, I used the same modem with my username and password in the Telephone line of my friend which is living in the same district and the browsing is ok.
So the problem is from my DSL connection, the DSL lamp is green but the browsing is down.
I did order the STC modem since one week, may this solve my problem.
Anyhow, the real problem is the bad support of STC, also why the traders import linksys if it is not compatible with STC.
This service should be run smoothly, I think that STC is far away from the service quality they should be.
Good Luck.
I changed the default user name and password for my modem from and now i do not remember the user name and password. Now i cannot open because i forgot the password and user name. Can any1 help me !! please..
Can any one tell me how to protect wi-fi connection of AFAQ SHAMEL DSL Modem 014, that no one can get unauthorized access to my internet connection, also Thanks to FAISAL for this useful password of the same model. Thanx
From the menu choose "Basic" then "Wireless Lan", change "Authentication Type" from "OpenSystem" to "WPA-PSK"
then change "Encryption" to "TKIP" and add the password you like in "Pre-Shared Key".
That is all.
Changing the default password stccpe_2007 to something else also would be a good idea. Else if the intruder has physical access to your router (will she/he?), he/she can connect through a lan cable and find out what password you have set.
To avoid forgetting the passwords, put them as your contact on your mobile (for example
name:stc dsl
No: full or part of your password.
plz tell me that how can i chage the security key for my wireless lan plz tell me
need help pleaseeee, i got the model 014 and the wireless is not working for it, is says the settings do not match or something like that. i tried putting the cd in but it doesn't have model 014 so i selected 013 as it was similar. but after everything it still said that the wireless was not working.
Honey Anonymous
1- Connect the modem with LAN cable. 2- Just open ur internet explorer. - 3- Type the following IP in address bar
Shamil modem 014 username and password:
Default IP:
Username: Afaq_shamel
Password: stccpe_2007
From the menu choose "Basic" then "Wireless Lan", change "Authentication Type" from "OpenSystem" to "WPA-PSK"
then change "Encryption" to "TKIP" and add the password you like in "Pre-Shared Key".
Use same "Encryption" "TKIP" and add the password you entered in modem "Pre-Shared Key" use in ur laptop. Its over enjoy the Internet surfing.
What is the use of Usb cable which include with Afaqe shmil modem?
Hi Mumin....
I m also using 4m from stc but the speed is like 128kbps as I used in pakistan some times youtube needs buffering, I think this champaign is only to make people fool, they have only one flavor, & they are selling it in name of different speed packages, Only the bill increases.....STC is actually robbing people, local people don't know what is speed & nobody listens to foreigners.
Hi guys,
Hope u can help. recently my bittorrent downloads have really slowed down and the problem seems to be with the incoming connection.. even thou the speedtest shows normal download speed... the problem only seems to be with bittorrent... any input would be appreciated?? could the problem be with my Afaq router?
Dear Sir,
i have serious problem in my Afalaq DSL Shamil Modem 014, Wireless is not working for my lap top, for all other its working, and and on another place i m using Wifi it my my laptop is okay, i also installed new window, but same. please tell me how to do?
dear....can u pls tell me hw can i change my default username: Afaq_shamel and password, while opening set up for ..........i want to change this username and password because it seems same for all. second quest: if my friend take dsl connecion hrough m same modem....can he open my modem or inerne se up or change wireless or other passwords.......thanks
Hi everybody. I posted this info somewhere else but I guess it is needed here too. So here it goes:
Shamil modem username and password:
Default IP:
Username: Afaq_shamel
Password: stccpe_2007
I found this in a javascript file on the cd provided with the modem. It’s in \Vista\Flow\scripts\router\rCPEs.js
You can look for the username and password in that file if the one I mentioned doesn’t work. I don’t know why STC doesn’t want to tell this info to their users. They should provide the modem with default username and password. Anyway, hope the info I provided works for you.
You only login through above user name & password, then go to Tools > System mgmt> double click on Admin user >enter new User name & password, No need to share this info with other network users, Now enjoy safe internet.......!
thanks rafeeq & faisal for valid information u shared for changing username & password of Afaq DSL Shamel modem 011 to protect WLAN unauthorised use.
I have STC Modem 014.When I try to install it the CD does not even have the model 014 listed.It asks for the MODEM PASSWORD where I entered stccpe_2007 but nothing happened?
Please help.
Hello Everyone, i am using afaq shamel DSL 128 kbps (their new offer for 2 months, 1 riyal per day). Can you please tell me if there is any downloading limit on it or not? And total of what internet bill will i get?
Pleas reply
i am using the modem afaq shamel model#014 ....the problem is that i am not getting speed above 10kbs!!i am using 256 speed rit nw!!!!wat do i do???????
i have a connection 256 but i am not getting upload and download more than 35kbps can any body suggest me for a solution to increase bandwidth
can anyone help me pls. i have afaq shamel router model 014, how would i block a particular ip address? many thanks
im 256kb user model 014...when i went into the ip address and checked the bandwidth,it was just 128kbps...wat do i do to get 256???
does AFAQ DSL SHAMEL MODEM #014 work in the philippines? my cousin sent me this router but i cant figure it out to mork on my interneth..
hey, i just got a model 014 from STC. the wireless works fine but i can't connect the model 014 to the computer because the network cable won't fit in the computer socket. is there any way i can obtain a double-ended port that can be attached to the computer and the model 014?
How to Block VOIP calling from STC modem.
I want to Block Smart Voip, andall voip calling from my Modem.
Please give me suggetion
Hi, Everybody,
A good news for Afaq Shamel Users now u can download latest & Origional version of KasperSkey (with product key) Anti virus for free from www.m3com.com.sa, its a new offer from STC, but bad news is that this is in Arabics if any one find solution to convert it in English plz let me know also,Thanks.Enjoy safe surfing.
to translate web page, use Google toolbar translator, though it will not translate the page completely but at least it can help u understand a bit.
Thanks to them it's free LOL
I was using AFAQ DSL with Awalnet subscription and my all voice messengers like Yahoo, Google Talk, MSN, Skype was working weel. After chaniging Subscrition from AFAQ DSL to AFAQ DSL Shamil I lost all my VOiP. I think STC is filtering VOiP over shamil subscrition. Is this true, anybody else is facing the same problem or I am the first one.
Thanks rafeeq, faisal and other friends for your help and valued support for various subject regarding DSL, this is very good site I liked it. it Helped me in a such time like if you water amidst the Desert. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks a lot.
Valuable Info:
STC Modem model 2804STC userid and pswd are as follows:
password = "Stccpe_2009";
username = "Afaq_Shamel";
When I tried to go to stc afaq shamel modem web page I always get the following message. I tried to use User Name Afaq_Shamel and Password Stccpe_2007 but not able to login to modem and same message keep repeating. My internet connections working fine with a 4MB speed. Please help how to login to modem.
The server at EchoLife Home Gateway requires a username and password.
Thx to all for this blog.Atleast we have a place to share our problems in Saudi Arabia.
I am using Afaq Shamel DSL. I tried to log on with the Username
Afaq_Shamel and password stccpe_2007.
This username and password also exist in the cd provided for. but stll no luck. after clicking ok it again ask for password.
Try the query AFAW shamil password in google (note that it is AFAW and not AFAQ. it's an intentioal mistake!) and it shows just 2 links. First one is to this page and another to http://www.sauditechview.com/en/stc-afaq-dsl-shamil-modem-passwords.html
In comment section of this 2nd one note this http://www.sauditechview.com/en/stc-afaq-dsl-shamil-modem-passwords.html#comment-296 where in he says the password for different models. (all of them seems to be the same except a capital S for the last one).
I didn't try on different models. Whenever I tried the one mentioned by Faisal, it always worked.
In your case, if everything fails, see whether there is a reset button (do it on your own risk because I am not sure whether resetting is going to make it to explode :) )
Given u r ready for the risk, press it say for 10 seconds (or more?) until the LEDs goes off. (this is generally how it is. I don't know how it is going to be with these models). If it resets, try this user id and password. If it works, you may conclude either 1. you changed it once but forgot (and should consult for Alzheimers :) ) or 2. someone else in your neighborhood has already changed it and might be enjoying.. (and though he(/she) is not very smart, he(/she) is smart because it still works except for the web interface!
Hi Rafeek,
The user password is Stccpe_2009 whereas in my cd it appears as stccpe_2007.
It seems STC does n't care to update contents and consequently causes users to suffer.
And to you now it should be clear that I do not need to go to Alzheimer consultant.
I tried to use User Name Afaq_Shamel and Password Stccpe_2007 but not able to login to modem and same message keep repeating. My internet connections working fine with a 4MB speed. Please help how to login to modem.
The server at EchoLife Home Gateway requires a username and password.
This is the mail system at host mailgw.saudi.net.sa.
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Can anyone recommend the well-priced IT automation tool for a small IT service company like mine? Does anyone use Kaseya.com or GFI.com? How do they compare to these guys I found recently: N-able N-central software distribution
? What is your best take in cost vs performance among those three? I need a good advice please... Thanks in advance!
hi everyone,
good to see a blog for help in saudi arabia!
the problem is i am sharing internet connection with my neighbour , i got an ethernet cable from his home, sccording to him it is 1mbps connection but damn i was getting a download speed of only 70kbps last few days and now it is down 40kbps even though he is not at his home not using it...is this a problem from stc or some kind of setting in his modem...and his modem is from stc 014 modem...any idea pls!
You need to solve your doubts by:
1. confirming that he really is subscribed for 1 MB. This you can do by accessing the modem interface (just enter the ip of your default gateway or dns server) - you must know the user id and password
2. From this interface you can see the AFAQ DSL speed. It should be 1 MB. The internet subscription speed, you can see in the user-id (appended at the end of user id like xxxx@1024.afaq...)
3. Once this is confirmed, look for other reasons for the slow connection.
thnx for the reply ,
i just cjecked from his modem using username and password
and it is correct
and i think this shows its 4 mbps but still dont know why the speed i am gettin so less!
waitin for ur reply!
ok here is the speedtest
its too slow
i even checked in modem settings through ip address the username is “4096@afaq2e.com” i think which shows i have 4mb what is this problem with stc or modem or what? the modem is from stc model 014
Out of 2 things suggested, you made sure that the internet subscription is of 4MB. So the problem is not there. You didn't check the DSL speed yet (the physical speed).
I have seen with a recent subscription of AFAQ Shamel, the internet subscription is for 1MB but the DSL speed as shown in the modem interface is as under:
Line Rate - Downstream (Kbps): 293
Line Rate - Upstream (Kbps): 281
that means, the 1 MB internet subscription is under utilised since the physical speed is less.
Another thing observed is the physical speed (let us call it line speed) varies on some of the subscriber lines. The parameters may be the actual speed STC allocated, some physical faults with the line etc. One of the suggestion when faced with this line speed problem was to use a Cat 5 cable from the STC junction box up to the modem. Don't know whether it helped but the speed has been stable thereafter.
thnx for the reply,
i checked from the modem and it is showing this
Bandwidth Down/Up(kbps)905 / 438
so its around 1 mbps...so i am using a good quality cat 6 35m cable from my neighbor home..if the problem is with the cable so i am also gettin the same speed with wireless on my laptop that has nothing to do with cable...is there any kind of settings in modem which i can change to solve!
How to configure static ip on the afaqshamil modem?
too bad, we also received less speed of what we paid.. our plan was 4mb but we only got 49-50kbps download speed.. i think this is their marketing strategy.. too bad their fooling the subscriber...
Can anyone guide me how to set port forwarding in Afaq Shamel 006 i tried but no success
what is the new smtp for Saudi net.
We were using mail.Saudi.net.sa and mx1.saudi.net.sa and mx2.saudi.net.sa
none of them are not functioning now
do ny1 hav any new information?
hello everybody.
i am new in khobar dammam im facing an smtp problem while using outlook i can receive mails but error when i try to send .i tried to use as smtp mail1.saudi.net.sa and mx1.saudi.net.sa both not working.
any help plz
just follow all letters n model 014 password Afaq_shamel
user name stccpe_2007
great info and yes the username and passord worked to get into our echolife (stc huawei afaq shamel modem)
i am trying to share a printer by connecting the utp connector to all the users on the dsl wireles router, but dont know where to start?
do i need to do anthing on the router?
irfaan saudi mobile XX05414576
I have a STC Afaqshamel dsl modem model 014. I am not able to access the default ip address. Is there any other way in which i can access the settings of the modem.Also does resetting the modem change the username and password to default?
people complaining about getting less speed should need to understand that no matter what kind of subscription you have, once you consume a download bandwidth of around 40GB in a month, your download speed is reduced to 128Kbps till the start of new billing month. To avoid this stop continuous downloads of huge files/movies/games etc and make sure you dont exceed a download bandwidth of 40GB.
vasim bhai.. open command prompt typde der. ipconfig /all... & execute it..from der u can get ur ip address. some time dem mention like etc...
now put that ip adress on ur internet explorer & press enter. now u will get a page der it will ask to enter ur user name and pwd.. so user name will be.Afaq_Shamel & pwd will Stccpe_2007 or Stccpe_2009(for new modem)..
Guyz if u wana any kind of help regard router u can contact on this email. akhtar.ind@gamil.com
hai friends,
how i can upgrade 011 model afaq shamel modem?
hi friends stc have very poor service i add request for 4mb dsl before 1 month.they send me username and password but no one come here to bring the modem and install them.I have tried many times calling STC, they just doesn't seem to be helpful.
For the Help:
all afaqshamil modems use two type of passwords.
hi all
plz tell me about port forwarding
i have bigest problem in the world
this is my problem
plz check it out and tell me what should i do .......
Asalaam-o-alikum to all the Muslim Communities
Hello to Rest of the World (as they don't believe in Allah Talah)
I just want to know the following in detail if possible:
How can i allocate Bandwidth in STC Router? as i have 5 users and want to distribute a limited amount.
Please reply with details and what others needs to be done with the above process .......... by the way don't ask me to contact STC care or something.......... Because they really Care expats.... :D :D
Allah Hafiz to Muslims
Bye to ........Rest
STC Modems name...............Username .......................Password
SAXMT882 .................. Afaq_shamel ...................stccpe_2007
HG520S ........................Afaq_shamel............ ....... stccpe_2007
SS00 003.........................Afaq_shamel........... ......... stccpe_2007
SE568 001...........................Afaq_shamel......... ........... stccpe_2007
006........... Afaq_Shamel.................. Stccpe_2009
007........... Afaq_Shamel.................. Stccpe_2009
How to solve STC modem 006 ( Sagem F@st2804) skype & YM was not connecting through ethernet cable problem
watch this video and sove the problem
How to solve STC modem 006 ( Sagem F@st2804) skype , YM problem ---
while using this type modem 006 skype and Ym not connecting through LAN cable only connecting if ur using Wireless. this is a problem with this stc modem 006 F@st 2804 serial numbers N711, SZ201.. . to solve the problem modem need tob update . watch this video how to solve this problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya-0ZbviM44&feature=share .
here i sthe link for file to updating the modem : http://www.4shared.com/file/G8SamUVm/F2804STC_4_24_4a4N_STC_fs_kern.htmlv
try this and sove the problem of skype & YM with STC modem 006.
How to solve STC modem 006 ( Sagem F@st2804) skype & YM was not connecting through ethernet cable problem
watch this video and sove the problem
How to solve STC modem 006 ( Sagem F@st2804) skype & YM was not connecting through ethernet cable problem
watch this video and sove the problem
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